Cosy up to Curd and Word

Usually a little bit salty and sandy, Imogen Kars is a multi-dimensional creative and woman of the alphabet. She lives with multiple disabilities and chronic illnesses, and is a passionate mover and shaker who writes to make the world a better place.

While Imo has been boogying with words since she could talk, she fell into journalism before quickly realising the mess of mainstream media wasn’t for her. After dipping into the real world and landing back in her tropical hometown, she accidentally found copywriting and braved the world of freelancing. Two short years later, she's led projects with some of Australia's favourite brands including Modibodi, Koala and Lifeline.

She also has bold bylines published in the Guardian, SBS, Refinery29 and Exploring disability, environment, social justice and media, she has a passion for tackling taboo topics and is dedicated to creating accessible and digestible content.

Although Curd and Word exists as a tiny bean when it comes to creative agencies, Imo has big plans to expand this world to become Australia's first full-service copywriting agency run by people with disabilities.

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