
If you’re a good egg and you need words, we’ve got them. No matter how the cookie crumbles.

What We Do

  • We’ll help you whip up the copy of your damn dreams.

    In the past, we’ve proudly worked on:

    • articles

    • SEO-minded copy

    • website copy

    • taglines

    • email and text message campaigns

    • product copy

    • annual reports

    • and everything else in between

  • Curd and Word has proudly landed stories in publications like the Guardian, SBS and

    We’ve made a habit of only working on stories that:

    • light us up

    • shine a light on the good stuff or

    • make the reader think about an issue or situation in a different light

    Got a story that ticks our boxes? Give us a whirl!

  • We’ve proofed and edited every type of copy under the sun. Put all your eggs in one basket and need a bold word bird to make sure it flows? We’ve got your back.

  • What looks like work, pays like work, but doesn’t feel like work?


    We’ll happily whip up any type of words, but we’ve got a special place in our hearts reserved for scriptwriting.

    We’ve worked on viral Tiktok videos, helped streamline tricky topics for international labour organisations and run a muck with radio. We can’t go past a good script.

Want to get in touch?